Sunday, May 3, 2009

Distance makes the heart grow fonder...or something like that.

Well today has been a lazy Sunday. Just what I wanted! I did clean room...the bathroom. Chatted with Lee, which is nice. I work all day most days during the week, so the weekend is a nice time to talk without any distractions.
Oh right, I guess i should fill you in a little bit about Lee, since I will probably be mentioning him alot in this blog!. Lee and I met at Nipissing University while at a party at my house. Which was more then a year and a half ago..We have been dating for a year now :) He is 24 and currently completing his masters degree in environmental engineering, a long long ways away from where I live :( But that is ok, we have been making it work! Lee is wonderful! He is intelligent, quirkey, fun, creative and so much more. I'm not sure why we work..but we really do. lol. He has been so supportive of my weight loss journey as well. He knows my story and how hard it has always been for me...and I just thank him for that support and love through it all!

Oh, how I miss Lee!! I can't wait until he is done school. I'v been looking at christmas pictures of our vacation, and it brings up such great memories!

Me in Miami Florida, at the cool chess board outside our hotel!

Caught my man sleepin!

Chillin in the ocean!

My family and myself have all agreed that Lee is the biggest eater we have EVER met..hands down. And look at that figure! lol

Now onto the food part of my day!

Lunch consisted of a healthy serving of crunchy carrots, celery, cucumber, cherry tomatoes with a slice of swiss cheese from the farmers market! It went well with roasted red pepper dip and hummus! mmm!!

Yummy hummus!

Snack late afternoon was this gem I found at zerzh! YUM. This is the chocolate peanut butter kind. I have a few others... I really think you should go out and get some...NOW!!

I cleaned up for a bit and just relaxed and enjoyed the day!
Dinner was definitly yummy and I am oh so full! Leftovers are awesome!

Healthy taco salad
- healthy serving of lettuce with radish
- half of an avacado
- chopped carrots
- cucumber
- onions
- cherry tomatoes
- left over chilli some cheese in it
- a few guiltless gourmet chips
- salsa ranch dressing (spoonful)
- light sourcream (spoonful)


and a bit later for dessert, I enjoyed a beautiful bowl of strawberries, pineapple and blueberries!

Sooo that is about it! I work tomorrow from 12 to 5:30, so that is not bad at all. A short day for me! Still going to try to get to bed early so I can perhaps wake up early and get a work out in!

Have a great evening!!


nikbis said...

Looks like a day of yummy food :-)

And Lee sounds great, I know what you mean about the absence. I've only been away from my fiance for a week and I'm going crazy missing him!!!