Sunday, April 26, 2009


Food log for today..because nothing else really interesting happened!

B: small bowl of chia goodness! with a cup of manderin oranges
S: 100 calorie pack of peanut butter thin cookies
L: turkey sandwich (on weightwatchers bread) with swiss cheese/lettuce and pickles with one cup of cucumber on the side
S: half a larabar and some stuffed olives
D: gluten free pizza and skinny cow dessert

Not great but also not bad. I also did 40 minutes on the treadmill.

Tomorrow I will be eating light...because I am hitting swiss chalet Tuesday and I am not going to deprive myself. I am going to enjoy what I usually get. 8 chicken wings with a ceaser salad...which = almost 23 weightwatcher points YIKES thats what I get all day!...So I guess I will be snacking on veggies after that!